Residential water use increases 40 to 50% during summer months due to outdoor water use. Stormwater runoff is the leading type of residential non-point source pollution. Rain barrels reduce water pollution by reducing stormwater runoff, which can contain pollutants like sediment, oil, grease, bacteria and nutrients.

BROADLANDS Modifications Subcommittee Design Guidelines for Rain Barrels

General Considerations
Rain Barrels should be designed to be unobtrusive in location and appearance and must not cause drainage problems to the property or its neighbors. The location should take advantage of screening provided by existing or proposed structures and/or vegetation.

The installation of Rain Barrels in attached housing shall be in accordance with the approved project standards established by the builder for location, color, screening, etc. Homeowner installation of rain barrels is prohibited in multifamily housing.

Specific Guidelines
The preferred location is in the rear or side yard; rain barrels are prohibited in front yards. The rain barrel must be installed at the base of an existing downspout.

No more than two barrels will be permitted on any property.

The size of a rain barrel bin is generally limited to 36” in height and 24” in diameter.

The container must be designed for the purpose of collecting rainwater; a converted trash can is not an acceptable alternative.

The bin must be sturdily constructed of durable plastic in black, brown, green, simulated wood with a screened cover and a splash block provided for the overflow.

Other colors which match the trim or siding will be reviewed on a case by case basis. The overflow from the rain barrel shall discharge to the same location as the current downspout.

The rain barrel should be set into a landscaped area, so that its appearance will be softened by plant material. Additional landscaping or screening may be required to diminish the visual impact on other properties or from the street.

The rain barrel should be maintained so that it does not create a visual or environmental nuisance.

Submission Requirements
A copy of the existing site plan showing the house, any accessory structures, significant vegetation, property lines, and the location of the proposed rain barrel

A catalog photograph or manufacturer’s “cut sheets” of the rain barrel, including dimensions, material, and color

A planting plan indicating the type and location of vegetation or other screening, existing or proposed.

We currently have 3 rain barrels available for purchase.

Updated: JAN 09